
A Series of Podcast

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Recent Podcast Episodes

123 - Discussing the importance of creating a business strategy

A business strategy provides a clear sense of direction. It helps stakeholders understand where the company is headed and what it aims to achieve. This clarity ensures that everyone is aligned and working...

124 - Inspiring stories of businesses transformed by strategic planning

The company hired a business consultant to develop a strategic plan. After thorough analysis, the consultant recommended focusing on building a strong online presence while enhancing the in-store...

125 - Actionable tips for entrepreneurs to analyze their target audience

Remember, the goal is to develop a deep understanding of your target audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors. By continuously analyzing and adapting your approach, you can refine your business strategies...

As featured in

BizBeat Insights
FinancialScope Chronicles
CommerceCurrent Pulse
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Watch Out

Empowering content for success.

One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on actionable advice and real-world examples. The authors draw from their extensive experience working with tech entrepreneurs to provide insights and strategies that are both practical and relevant.

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Watch Out
In order to stand out in the tech industry, every entrepreneur should learn first and foremost...
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The 80/20 rule
A principle of the 80-20 rule is to identify an entity's best assets and use them efficiently...
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Knowing your customers’ preferences and behaviour is the foundation for a relationship...