Shock transmission and shock mitigation in wheel suspension and shock absorption.

Shock transmission and shock mitigation factors

During the preliminary design stages of Aerospace and Ground Equipment, determining the degree of shock transmitted and shock absorption to the payload is a significant consideration. 

This concerns:

  • The reduction of the highest anticipated input shock absorbing to the system to a level that the equipment can withstand
  • The analysis of the effects of periodic input shocks

The Aerol Sam Suspension Unit, THE BANJO MOUNT, CUSHION TREAD WHEELS, PROFILE TIRES, and SHOCK-absorbing casters are all designed to provide the optimum combination of features to reduce shock transmissibility and minimize resonant response. We determine the highest tolerable input. Shock involves considering the sprung weight, speed, input pulse amplitude and shape, and the system’s natural frequency.

Vibration and shock dampening

The vibration and shock-dampening characteristics of Aero wheel suspension assemblies. Shock-absorbing casters are critical factors in mitigating shock absorption imposed on AGE equipment. The vibration-dampening characteristic or dampening ratio results from the sprung weight. The system friction, the dampening characteristics of pneumatic and solid rubber tires, and the metallic components of the suspension assembly.

Both ductile iron and cast aluminum, used exclusively for the structural components of outdoor heavy-duty caster wheels and suspension systems, possess excellent dampening properties. While the dampening properties of a system increase the shock transmissibility, an undamped system would respond violently to an exciting frequency close to the natural frequency, and input shock amplitudes over the deflection capacity of the spring system could not be tolerated.

In practice, dampening ratios of 0.15 to 0.20 are desirable. The dampening ratios of Aerol suspension units and shock-absorbing cantilevered casters fall within this range.

Sprung weight and dampening characteristics of a tire

As stated, the sprung weight and dampening characteristics of the tire contribute to the total dampening ratio of the suspension system. Consider the shock-absorbing caster capability of the tire as isolated from the rest of the system. You will then find only the portion of the tire in contact with the road that counts as unsprung weight. All parts of the suspension system, including the wheel and most of the tire, contribute to the total inertia force. That opposes the input shock force of an obstacle striking the wheel.

It is readily seen that a shock-absorbing cantilevered caster suspension system with solid rubber or pneumatic tire wheels represents a differential spring system. The tire absorbs part of the input shock; the spring system absorbs another portion, and only the residual shock transfers to the payload. In practice, the tire absorbs the input shock loads of many low—to medium-profile obstacles. And the spring system endures short pulse durations with negligible shock levels.

Finding The Right Caster For Your Application

By Alex Harden Posted on: October 3, 2024 Categories: Custom Casters and Running Gear|Casters>Spring Loaded Casters

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