The AEROL MECHANICAL PARKING BRAKE is the most efficient brake of its size on the market. Its efficiency results from the unusual single shoe design that provides maximum servo or self-energizing effect and three hundred and twenty-five degrees of shoe contact. The floating single shoe needs no anchors or adjustment provisions, and the large contact area ensures long life.

Here’s a good example of the outstanding capability of this parking brake: If the ten-inch ratchet pedal was engaged by a foot pressure of one hundred and fifty points, sufficient braking torque could skid a sixteen-inch wheel supporting a load in excess of two tons.

Complies with the requirements of specification MIL-B-22182

The AERO Mechanical Parking Brake complies with the requirements of specification MIL-B-22182, including all mounting dimensions of the backing plate and drum, and the choice of either a ratchet pedal for foot operation or a lever for rod or cable actuation. When the ratchet pedal is used, and the vehicle is operated over rough terrain, the risk of the brake being actuated by inertial force is eliminated with a latch that locks the brake in the “Off” position.

The Aerol brake may also be adapted as a “dead-man” brake, an important safety feature for mobile equipment used aboard a ship that may be rolling or pitching at sea.

The brake is produced in two sizes: one to satisfy the requirements of classes and 3 of specification MIL-B-22182, and a slightly smaller model to satisfy the requirements of class 2 brakes. The larger brake may be used with AEROL Cushion Tread Wheels, which have integral brake drums, or with industrial pneumatic wheels in sizes 6.00-9, 7.50-10, and 9.00-10, that are designated by part numbers MS24322-5A6, MS24322-7A10, and MS24322-9A10 respectively.

When the brake is used with the pneumatic wheels listed above, either aluminum or cast iron brake drums are available. The smaller parking brake is for use with the 4.00-8 size industrial pneumatic wheel, part number MS24322-3A6, and is also provided with an aluminum or cast iron brake drum.

AEROL produces a third and smaller parking brake for use with the 3.50-6 size industrial pneumatic wheel, part number MS24322-1A4. This brake, designed for the lighter load applications associated with the thirteen-inch diameter tire, does not require a brake drum; the two tapered shoes engage the tapered internal diameter of the pressed steel wheel rim, providing an unusually simple but effective parking brake. Two models are available; one with a ratchet pedal for individual brake operation, and the other with a lever for remote control by rods or cables.


Remote mechanical parking brake

The remote brake handle as seen above can be specified in place of the mechanically operated brake handle that comes standard with all Aerol running gear. There are multiple versions of the remote handle available and can be specified in any color necessary. Depending on the remote handle specified it can be mounted on both sides or vertically with the incorporated holes. This gives designers more freedom for optimal placement on any apparatus.

Each remote lever can operate a single brake, or up to four brakes at a time depending on the requested setup. Multi braking functionality is achieved using equalizer bars to spread cable tension proportionately across multiple cables. Tension is held in place by the over center linkage found in the remote handle. The braking system can be released by moving the handle into a 90- degree position assisted by exterior and internal return springs. The adaptability of our remotely operated braking handles allows for additional freedom in the design phase.

Operators must check that braking systems are engaged before leaving an apparatus unattended or before traveling. Most designers choose to mount the remote handles near the tongue of each chassis or in the center of longer carts along the driver’s side for quick access. An advantage of using these remote handles is using them as a visual aid for understanding whether a parking brake system is engaged. Optimal placement of remote handles can help with operator awareness and protect them against ergonomic constraints.

Be sure to contact an expert today for more information about our mechanically operated braking systems.

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