SS10 Series casters

What is a Maintenance Free Caster?

Aerol provides lifetime and maintenance-free casters.

Upper Seal

Consists of an “O” ring fitted snugly between the lower surface of the top plate and the upper surface of the caster horn and encircling the main thrust bearing.


Factory lubricated for a regular service lifetime with a high-performance lubricant of unusual film strength, high meeting point, and low cold test. Will not corrode, gum, cake, or separate. Other lubrications are not required.

Lower Seal

An “O” ring fitted between the lower bearing housing and a formed stainless steel retainer.


Automotive standard tapered roller bearings permit both radial and thrust loads capable of providing maximum performance and rollability under normal operating conditions.

Patented Seal.

A positive pressure seal is suitable for all weather and dust operations. It developed to withstand constant exposure to widely varied temperatures. Water, steam, pressure, vacuum, detergents in normal solution, abrasives, animal fats, brine, and other foreign matter. We find these conditions usually in meatpacking, food processing, bottling, or cold storage industries. And also in laundries, dry cleaning, tanning plants, pulp and paper mills, foundries, and mineral processing operations.

Polyurethane Tread

Aerolast Polyurethane is a high-grade polymer combined with a curative to produce a tread with excellent rolling performance, the ultimate in high-load bearing capacity, and exceptional resistance to abrasion and oils while ensuring complete floor protection from marking or cracking.

Rubber Tread

Made of the finest industrial rubber compounded to a controlled formula for uniform shore hardness and designed to eliminate chipping, gouging, chunking, or permanent set. Constructed for maximum rollability and maneuverability. The tread offers maximum resistance to oils, fats, detergents, and acids in normal solutions and all road surfaces and operating conditions.